Principales Enlaces de Interés
La Caida del Salmon del Pacifico Noreste
- StreamNet On-Line: The Northwest Aquatic Resource Information Network
- The Salmon Market Database
- Wild BC Salmon Fast Facts: Species and Nutrition
- Wild BC Salmon Fast Facts: Commercial Fishing Industry
- Wild BC Salmon Fast Facts: Fishing Methods
- Pacific Northwest Salmon History Snapshots
- Managing a Wasting Resource: Would Quotas Solve the Problems Facing the West Coa
- Viewpoints
- Bonneville Power Administration
- U.S. Army Corps of Engineers
- Direct Service Industries
- Columbia River Alliance
- National Marine Fisheries Services
- Northwest Power Planning Council
- Columbia River Inter-Tribal Fish Commission
- Save our Wild Salmon
- Pacific Coast Federation of Fishermen's Association
- Idaho Fish and Game
- Goals for Salmon Restoration
- Poor Ocean Conditions
- Collection and Transport
- Spilling Smolts Over Spillways
- Hatchery Production